SitebuildIt Scam
No Matter How It's Spelled, It's an Oxymoron

The "Sitebuildit Scam," properly spelled "Site Build It Scam," is a study in contradictions. It is an oxymoron (a word or phrase of contrary concepts) and to fully understand why, a few facts need to be explored.
Fact Number One
First, let's take a look at Site build It! (or use the "Sitebuildit scam" spelling, for those with spacebar issues). Widely known and valued for its principles of over-delivery, SBI! offers a workable and proven ebusiness building process. Everything one needs to develop and run a successful online business is delivered in one stand-alone package. Included is a vast library of tools, resources, training and support, all with no up selling or latent hidden fees.
The benefit of no hidden fees is obvious, but what may be less obvious to the SBI! layman is why so many SBI!ers value this platform so highly. Because all the modules are built to work together, there are no compatibility issues to contend with. No need to research, run or bounce around from product to product. There are no technical hurdles to confront and all the latest technical developments on the Web are researched and sorted out for you. The entire package comes with an unconditional, money-back guarantee, so risk is minimal. SBI! is designed so that owners can sit in the drivers seat and drive, rather than having to load the trunk, be the mechanic, pump the gas and change the tires.
In addition to over-delivering an excellent business building resource, Site Build It! insists upon the responsible use of ebusiness building technology (no spamming, no tricks, no schemes) and teaches ethical business practices that focus on visitor satisfaction. It openly admits that building a successful online business is hard work and works to provide a positive, supportive environment to give people the best chance for success.
Now for the contrary part of the phrase "sitebuildit scam."
Fact Number Two
The word "scam" means a confidence trick intended to defraud or cheat someone after gaining their confidence. The target of a confidence trick is called a "mark."
Get rich quick schemes are examples of cons that circulate widely on the Internet. It's interesting to note that get rich quick schemes sometimes use the reverse confidence trick of accusing legitimate companies of being a scam. Making loud accusations in an altruistic guise, they treacherously gain the confidence of unknowing consumers (marks) in order to dupe and confuse.
It is also interesting to note that when discussing SBI! with members of the get rich quick camp, attack is a commonly employed technique, while clean, rational discussion of the issues is passed off as ridiculous like the waive of the hand. They seem to be very good at finger pointing, but when it comes to open discussion, they come up empty.
One question that comes to mind is why would they do this? The answer is ages old: to exploit the good name of Site Build It! to extract customers and gain market share. If you do even cursory research, you will see the accusations cleverly positioned in the search engine results pages. If the accusers weren't profiting from their accusations, they would have removed the pages long ago, because the debate has ended.
To summarize then, the two halves of the phrase "sitebuild it scam" are complete opposites. "Site Build It!" stands for building an upstanding, ethical business that lasts and "scam" means to cheat and deceive. That is why the phrase "sitebuildit scam" is an oxymoron.