Sitebuildit Review

If you are performing due diligence on this site after reading a hostile Sitebuildit Review, realize that the flurry of reviews you have encountered were put there to gain search engine rankings. Read on to get truthful information behind the criticsm.
A highly critical Sitebuildit review can have some of the most insidious arguments. But you can always recognize a critic who's never tried SBI!, because his criticisms will be one of those chanted over and over by others on the Net. Because these complaints are repeated almost verbatim, it is easy to tell they don't really know, but are repeating something they heard.
Urban Myths
These misconceptions are common enough, they've been termed "Urban Myths" and have been given an entire web page of their own. Visit the Urban Myths page for the full list. Let's examine a few of the points here that came up during the Site Build It Scam googlebomb campaign.
You may find a Sitebuildit review claiming Site Build It! is overpriced. This comes about because of what SBI! is being compared to, which is free software or free services. The misleading factor here is that "free" is not really free. When comparing the performance of a free level service to SBI!, it is clear that "free" is only intended to get you started. To really get results, one needs to escalate to paid service. And comparing those services to SBI!, they only provide a fraction of the tools, yet exceed SBI!s cost.
Things Are Free Because People Fail
The standard in the Internet world today is failure. The vast majority of websites get little or no traffic. Web hosts, for example, practically give away their services because they can afford to. Most of the sites hosted on their platform never see the light of day, and if they were successful, the low prices charged would drive those hosts out of business.
Read the list of tools page to see everything you get with SBI! and view the proof of results page to see how well SBI!ers do in the search engines. This is not some cheap, lightweight website builder. This is a real, e-business builder that produces results.
You might come across a Sitebuildit review that says Site Build It! is outdated, but that simply is not true. Intensely researched and maintained, Site Build It! is updated continually in its technical aspects. There are core principles that have not changed throughout SiteSell's years, though. These core principles just so happen to be exactly what the search engines want and exactly why SBI! sites tend to rank so well.
Continually Updated, Highly Effective
It is not a get rich quick method, though. Yet, as the Internet evolves, SBI!ers do better and better because they are already doing what search engines want. Others fall away as Site Build It! sites rise to the top. That is not the sign of an outdated product, but more the sign of a company ahead of its time!
Another complaint that might come up in a Sitebuildit review that you'll encounter is that Site Build It! sites are ugly. This is a generality. The fact is, each SBI! site owner is solely responsible for the appearance of his/her look and feel. Some people have a flair for design, others don't. It just so happens that look and feel have little to do with traffic, which is what SBI! excels at. And lots of free traffic is a big part of growing a successful online business.
Recently, SiteSell launched its updated three column template that SBI!ers can add to their sites with the click of a button. This, plus new templates are allowing creative SBI!ers to push beyond good to Great! And they have all the traffic-generating power of SBI!, to boot!
Consider These Points
Here are some aspects to consider after reading an Sitebuildit review or two.
- In business since 1997, SiteSell has been around long enough to see search engines come and go. Despite the rise and fall of other companies on the Internet, SiteSell continues to evolve and grow.
- SiteSell users tend to turn into loyal fans. This is apparent by their level of participation, which can be downright passionate. An example of this are our customer-made videos. Although we have had numerous video contests for SBI!ers to share their joy about using SBI!, many are created independently. SBI!ers have even written poems about SBI!.
- SiteSell continues to innovate. It works tirelessly to bring new and improved features to SBI!ers, yet hasn't raised prices for years.
- If you want to try SBI! but have concerns, you can rest assured. There is a no-questions-asked, money back guarantee.