Site Build It! Works. Period.
Site Build It! works. Period. What a bold statement, you may think... where is the proof? First, let's define what we actually mean when we say SBI! works. We do not mean that you get rich over night or that it is easy to be successful online.
What we do mean and prove is that SBI! enables everyday people to build profitable e-businesses at an unmatched rate of success. SBI! provides all the tools, software, guidance and help you need. And even more importantly, it provides a business building process that has been tried and tested by 40,000+ customers world wide.
Site Build It! Works - Proof #1
Have you ever seen a TV commercial about SBI! or SiteSell? Or a glossy magazine advert? You haven't, because they don't exist. SiteSell grows by word-of-mouth, online and offline. This only happens when a product delights its customers. No one would recommend a mediocre product or service to friends and family.
Site Build It! Works - Proof #2
On, you can read real-time, verifiable case studies, with the customer's names, links to their SBI! websites and ongoing updates. SBI! owners have nothing to hide, and so much to show. Compare this to the weak "What a great service. - Tony B." one-liner testimonials that you find elsewhere. Browse through the case studies. Find one that is similar to the business idea you have in mind and see how SBI! could meet your needs too.
Site Build It! Works - Proof #3

The feedback of the educational institutions after offering the course is overwhelmingly positive. For example, Diana Shoaf, Treasurer of The Citadel Military College of South Carolina said after taking the course...
Now compare those facts with the strategy and products promoted by the make money online gurus (MMOers) during their Site Build It! scam attack. Where are their satisfied customers that publish and update their success stories over years? There aren't any. Which institution would ever teach a strategy that involves manipulating the search engines with hundreds of spammy micro-sites and fake link networks? None.
Is SBI! right for everyone? No. If you already have a successful website or online business, or if you just want to blog about your hobby or passion without the intention of making money with it, you do not need SBI!. For everyone else, SBI! is the best way to build a profitable, long term e-business. Period.