Site Build It Scam Manipulation

The Site Build It Scam review was not based on actual knowledge or experience, yet it ranks at the top of Google search results as though it is the voice of truth and experience. Yet nothing could be farther from it.
The fact that fallacies can dominate rankings is caused by search engine shortcomings. A search engine is a robot, not a human. It attempts to simulate human behavior using complex algorithmic computations. But evaluations that take humans a split second to calculate require infinitely vast computing power for search engines to accomplish.
A Powerful Mix
When a person is skillful at manipulating human behavior online, the mix of search engine frailty and human emotion become quite powerful. So it was with the Site Build It Scam attack.
The reason part of this site concerns Google is because Google's products and technology can and are used as weapons to attack others, both personally and commercially. Google bombing is one such weapon. But in the Site Build It Scam attack, Google's Auto Suggest function was also employed.
Add to these malicious activities the fact that search results have their own voice of authority. Top placements carry much more weight in terms of traffic, but they also greatly influence public opinion. People tend to believe what they read. If something is at the top of the search engine results pages, many people will believe it no matter how untrue it is.
The Bomb Needs to Go
That is why Google bombing is so destructive and why Google really needs to take responsibility for its algorithm and fix it, for good.
With all that said, it is laughable that such a high ranking search result as Site Build It Scam could exist. Especially considering the accusers who ridiculed SBI!ers for caring about quality content and for working so hard to build honest, lasting businesses.
In contrast, adherents of the "scam" camp were taught black hat techniques and how to profit from them. Unfortunately, search engines cannot "consider the source," nor can they differentiate between traffic due to popularity and excellent visitor experience versus traffic due to outrage and self defense. At this time, that capacity for judgment is only possessed by humans.
This situation is a powerful example of why you can't always believe what you read. Each person should make up their own mind, after they gather the facts.