SBI!: The Opposite of SEO Scams
Everyday, competition increases on the Internet, and as time marches on, more and more SEO scams appear and flood the Internet. This is very dangerous territory for the new, unknowing web master. The promise of Internet riches can be quite compelling. You're likely an intelligent person who can differentiate between something that looks scammy and something that looks legitimate. But as scammers get smarter, they get much better at appearing legitimate while selling you down the river.If you've been on the Web for any length of time, you're already familiar with the blinking ads and email spam that promise you thousands of inbound links overnight with the mere click of a button. "We'll get you to the top of the search engines, in one week, guaranteed!" is another example of the SEO scams that run through cyberspace. Most SEO scams involve linking in some shape or form.
The best links to acquire are natural, inbound links created by others without request. Other sites will link to you because they find your content appealing. They link out of appreciation for what you've created or because your site adds value for their visitors. The search engines are very good at detecting these types of links and favor them over other types of links.
However, in the beginning, your site will be unknown and nobody will want to link to you. This situation is exactly what makes linking schemes tempting for web masters of young sites and why the scammers remain in business.
You must build high-quality links from high-quality sources. To do this takes time and work. There is no substitute for this phase and as tempting as it may be, you have to keep moving forward inch by inch. Do not fall for SEO scams promising instant success!
It’s the major difference between building a long lasting e-business that creates ever growing free traffic, and short-lived sites that rise and die out in the search engines. And remember, long-lasting, every growing sites never engage in any type of linking “scheme." Always keep it real.
SBI! sites are magnets for natural links because SBIers create real, valuable, high-quality content. If they follow the SBI! Action Guide they learn that this content wins the day at the search engines because it is REAL. If you can detect the difference between fake and real, your visitors certainly can. And it is proven that visitors love and revisit high quality sites.
Think about it. When you are searching the web for information on a topic, which sites do you prefer? Those that are natural, safe and provide great content for the topic you are interested in? Or fake, cookie-cutter sites that appear spammy?
SBI! teaches you to build sites that search engines love. Each principle in the Site Build It! training materials is tested for legitimacy and workability. You learn proven techniques that work consistently time after time that are safe for your business and make it expand honestly. SBI! is the opposite of SEO scams, no tricks involved, and the rewards are worth every minute of your time.
When you build an e-business that grows on its own, you build an income producing vehicle that will allow you to live and work anywhere in the world with Internet access. You gain control of your life and freedom that very few people ever experience. These benefits are life-changing and the reason why so many Site Build It! owners love SBI!.