SBI! Reviews
A Reality Check
It Does Seem Like Elfin Magic

Sometimes SBI!ers get so much traffic it almost seems magical! But that doesn't mean SBI! reviews its customers' sites manually, sprinkling fairy dust to make sure they make it to the top of the search engines.
It doesn't do anything mystical while site owners sleep, cozily tucked away in their beds at night, either. Well, it does do quite a bit in the background, but nothing supernatural. No, the ebusiness platform preferred by thousands is not run by elves. (Although, come to think of it, we do have a few very short engineers, and a couple of our programmers have pointy ears...)
All kidding aside, anybody looking for information on Site Build It!, you're in the right place. Anybody looking for SBI! reviews pertaining to the well-known financial institution, you're more than welcome to stay, but this isn't the "SBI" site you're looking for.
A word of note to those seeking information on the SBI! ebusiness building platform: most real SBI! Reviews will probably rave about the process, training and community, with a few minor complaints here and there. That's the typical "real-world" reaction from Site Build It! users because customers love it. Yet, even though SBI! has its raving fans, no product can be right for everyone. But don't worry. You'll be able to recognize the fake reviews when you encounter them, because they all sound very similar and talk about one particular incident.
Now this page is probably not one of those SBI! Reviews you're looking for, but be aware there is a lot of helpful information on this site to help you make sense of those "other reviews" you'll probably run into (shudder). So please, feel free to look around.
Things to Think About
Before you move on, here's some general information that might help you decide between following the superstitious myths and taking a closer look at SBI!:
- Remember Y2K? Since the year 2000, the Internet has grown by 245,000,000 websites. To put it into perspective, that growth rate would compare to every single person in New York City starting two new websites per year, every year, for ten years. That's a lot of competition to contend with! And going solo, without experience or training can be very expensive in terms of money spent and time wasted.
- The vast majority of websites fail, or get very little traffic, which is why so many cheap hosts exist and can afford to be cheap or free. If every site was successful, those cheap web hosts would go broke. SBI!, however, offers verifiable proof of success.
- Most offline businesses fail in the first year.
- During a recent Google algorithmic shift many sites across the Net lost traffic and income. Some as much as 70%. However, the majority of Site Build It! sites not only survived the Google update, their traffic increased. This can be attributed to the ethical business development practices that SBI! encourages. No tricks, no schemes, keeping it real and visitor satisfaction are a few key principles embraced by SBI! yet shunned by many search engine optimizers.
If you're going to start an online business, training and support is going to be very valuable. That's what SBI! is all about, but it also provides a step-by-step process and tools to get the job done.
Thank you for visiting. Please continue to browse this site for more details on the different SBI! reviews you may encounter. And while you're here, don't mind those short guys with pointy ears if you see one. They're not really elves. Our engineers are more like wizards, working hard to help SBI!ers succeed.